sabato 3 ottobre 2009

Why do all of your problems seem worse in the middle of the night?

I don't really have any problems but I prefer the night to the day..

I am more creative during the night so if I had any problems I'd solve them at night.

I hate mornings though.
Watching the rat race happening out of my windows, all those lost souls going to earn money so they can then waste it on useless objects to impress neighbors they don't even like.

lol but I digress..

I guess if your problems seem worse during the night this is because you work all day and at night are rightly tired and should sleep but are too wound up to rest and the probs keep you awake and it's even worse when you are aware that morning is only a few hours away and your allotted rest time will come to an end soon.

I have been there lol.